Dental care for adults

At The Hague Dentist, we offer comfortable treatment with a lot of personal attention: for adults, children and anxious patients alike.


Visit the dentist in The Hague?

At The Hague Dentist you will always get best in class dental care

We know how important a familiar face is for you when you sit in the chair. Also from the point of view of comfort. It is nice if we already know how you prefer to be treated or what we may take into account. Therefore, with us you will have your regular dentist, who will do everything to make the treatment as easy as possible for you.

During treatment, we will explain to you exactly what we are going to do. Would you like to watch with a mirror? That is always possible. This may help you to relax. Would you prefer not to know what is happening and watch Netflix during the treatment? That is also possible. You help determine how you like your treatment best.

We use useful aids that increase your comfort. For example, we put a rubber cloth over the tooth we are treating. This way, no water or grit ends up in the back of your mouth, allowing you to swallow and move your tongue as normal.

You decide what suits you best

As a patient at The Hague Dentist, you decide what suits you best. Would you like to listen to music? Feel free to bring your smartphone and earplugs/headphones. We have a TV screen hanging from the ceiling so you can even watch television if you like. You know best how best to experience dental treatment. In short, together with you we make sure the treatment is as comfortable and pleasant as possible. 

A good anaesthetic

In these days and age, no one needs to suffer unnecessary pain. That is why we have various anaesthetic techniques in-house – and a great deal of experience. In consultation with you, we choose the anaesthetic that will ensure that you notice as little as possible of the treatment.

If you are given an anaesthetic, we start with an anaesthetic ointment. This ensures that you hardly feel anything. We check this with a cold cotton ball against your tooth. Only when you tell us that you can no longer feel the cold (i.e. pain) will we start treatment.

Yes, I would like to have healthy and good teeth!

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